Call to Order by Chair
Ms. Naomi Kelly called the meeting to order at 10:03 am.
Roll Call
Naomi Kelly, City Administrator, Chair
Linda Gerull, Chief Information Officer, Department of Technology
Kelly Kirkpatrick, Budget Director, Mayor’s Office
Malia Cohen, President, Board of Supervisors
Ben Rosenfield, Controller
Micki Callahan, Director, Department of Human Resources
Greg Wagner, Acting Director, Department of Public Health
Harlan L. Kelly, Jr., Director, Public Utilities Commission
Michael Lambert, Acting City Librarian, Public Library
Mary Ellen Carroll, Director, Department of Emergency Management
Ivar Satero, Director, San Francisco International Airport
Edward D. Reiskin, Director, Municipal Transportation Agency
Trent Rhorer, Executive Director, Human Services Agency
Charles Belle, Public Member
Alex Polvi, Public MemberMembers Present
Naomi Kelly
Linda Gerull
Ashley Groffenberger (for Kelly Kirkpatrick)
Aliya Chisti (for Malia Cohen)
Todd Rydstrom (for Ben Rosenfield)
Micki Callahan
Almir Guimaraes (for Greg Wagner)
Michael Lambert
Ken Salmon (for Harlan Kelly)
Mitch Sutton (for Mary Ellen Carroll)
Ivar Satero
Edward Reiskin
Natalie Toledo (for Trent Rhorer)COIT Staff
Jacalyn Mah
Lily Liang
Matthias JaimeGuests
Julie Ansell
Leo Levenson
Jason Lally
Jack Wood
Michael Makstman
Rand Miyashiro
Megan Owens
Ohn Jones
Herman Brown
Lily Conover
Alaric Degrafinried
Sherman Luk
Gary Price
Crispin Hollings
Bill Joe
John Monolakis
Robert Collins
Megan Owens
Crispin Hollings
Sam Joo -
Approval of Meeting Minutes from September 20, 2018 (Action Item)
The minutes of September 20, 2018 were approved without changes.
Chair Update
Ms. Naomi Kelly discussed the development of the City’s next Five-Year Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Plan and briefed members on process expectations over the next few months. She also discussed recent meetings of the Emerging Technology Open Working Group and noted that final recommendations would be summarized in a report to the Board of Supervisors in December. Finally, Ms. Kelly noted that a drones oversight committee would soon be formed to review previously approved and new drone use cases.
CIO Update
Having recently attended a Gartner conference, Ms. Linda Gerull shared highlights of interest to government technologists and their counterparts, including new technology trends, modernization efforts across the industry, and best practices for organizational and change management.
In addition, Ms. Gerull provided updates on ongoing City discussions and hosted question and answer sessions between vendors and departments.
In closing, Ms. Gerull provided updates on the Telecom Modernization project and Cybersecurity Month.
FY 2020-24 ICT Plan: Technology Trends & Emerging Issues
Mr. Matthias Jaime reviewed the ICT Plan development process and shared findings from the most recent survey of departments. Questions, responses, and the resulting analysis centered on department practices, emerging technology and innovation, IT hiring, strategic sourcing and procurement, shared services, data management, and risk management.
In closing, Mr. Jaime reviewed a calendar with key dates and deadlines.
Update: FY 2018-22 ICT Plan Initiatives
City Employee Experience
Technology Procurement
Data Architecture
Risk Management: Cybersecurity & Disaster PreparednessTechnology Procurement
Ms. Julie Ansell provided an update on the City’s PeopleSoft system, specifically, she discussed features and changes designed to streamline technology procurement for City staff as well as suppliers. Notably, she discussed the current state as a result of system improvements and highlighted upcoming work to be done.Mr. Leo Levenson went on to discuss the Department of Technology’s role in technology procurement, changes and improvements made to the CIO review process, and shared resources for ongoing collaboration and existing contracts.
City Employee Experience
Ms. Gerull provided an overview of new and enhanced tools available to City employees.Mr. Jack Wood discussed updates to the City’s online employee portal, including the launch of open enrollment in partnership with the Health Service System and other self-service features.
Risk Management: Cybersecurity & Disaster Preparedness
Mr. Michael Makstman provided updates on Department of Technology initiatives to increase cybersecurity awareness, provide training, gather analytics, improve disaster preparedness, and enhance outreach.Data Architecture
Ms. Gerull discuss the goal of promoting data architecture and provided updates on interdepartmental work the DataSF team has completed recently to realize the benefits, including model building, improvements to the data portal, development and publication of standards, and training. Additionally, Ms. Gerull and Mr. Jason Lally discussed next steps, including further evaluation, partnerships, and development of a set of recommendations for the next stage of integration and implementation. -
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
The meeting adjourned at 11:18 am.
Sunshine Ordinance
San Francisco Administrative Code §67.9(a) Agendas of meetings and any other documents on file with the clerk of the policy body, when intended for distribution to all, or a majority of all, of the members of a policy body in connection with a matter anticipated for discussion or consideration at a public meeting shall be made available to the public. To the extent possible, such documents shall also be made available through the policy body's Internet site. However, this disclosure need not include any material exempt from public disclosure under this ordinance.