1. Call to Order

    Mr. Ken Bukowski called the meeting to order at 10:03 am. Introduced also were new members Lisa Walton (replacing Travis Fox effective immediately) and Laura Busch (replacing Marisa Pereira Tully effective December).

  2. Roll Call

    Ken Bukowski – Chair, Deputy City Administrator/CFO, City Administrator 
    Bella Fudym – IT Project Director, Adult Probation 
    Ian Law – CIO, Airport 
    Gigi Whitley – Deputy Director, Administration and Finance, Assessor-Recorder 
    Brian Strong – Director, Capital Planning 
    Jaci Fong – Director and Purchaser, Contract Administration 
    Todd Rydstrom – Deputy Controller, Controller’s Office 
    William Lee – CFO, Emergency Management 
    Brent Lewis – CFO, Human Resources 
    Marisa Pereira Tully – Analyst, Mayor’s Office 
    Lisa Walton – CTO, MTA 
    Bill Kim – CIO, Public Health 
    Michael Liang – CIO, Public Library 
    Julia Dawson – Deputy Director, Public Works 
    Leo Levenson – Deputy Director, Finance and Administration, DT 
    Chanda Ikeda – COIT Director, City Administrator’s Office 

    Members Present
    Ken Bukowski 
    Brent Lewis 
    Bella Fudym 
    Marisa Pereira Tully 
    Zihong Gorman (for Ian Law) 
    Lisa Walton 
    Gigi Whitley 
    Bill Kim 
    Brian Strong 
    Michael Liang 
    Jaci Fong 
    Julia Dawson 
    Todd Rydstrom 
    Elaine Benvenuti (for Leo Levenson) 
    William Lee 
    Matthias Jaime (for Chanda Ikeda) 

    COIT Staff
    Lily Liang 

    Laura Busch 
    Miguel Gamino 
    Kathy Lu 
    Jay Nath 
    Keith Kawas 
    Mike Valencia 
    Eddie Eriksson 
    Skip Niesen 
    Brian Roberts 
    Daniela Dell'Aera 

  3. Approval of Minutes

    The minutes of October 2, 2015 were approved.

  4. Discussion: COIT Budget Process — Forms, Scores, and SharePoint

    Sharing with members the content of forms required for submittal during the prior year ICT Plan development process and budget cycle, Mr. Matthias Jaime led a general discussion regarding the frequency and types of information collected from departments by COIT. 

    The discussion then turned to focus on the budget cycle, the process for calculating individual project scores, evaluation criteria, and the resulting project tiers. 

    As the discussion came to a close, Mr. Jaime noted the timeline for budget instructions, submissions, and training, and Mr. Keith Kawas demonstrated the process for submitting project requests through COIT’s new SharePoint system. 

  5. Project Update: Connectivity Plan

    In anticipation of the release of the next phase of the Connectivity Plan in early 2016, Mr. Miguel Gamino and Mr. Jay Nath presented on recent accomplishments work in progress, and next steps related to infrastructure (Fiber to City Buildings and Dig Once), Wi-Fi, digital inclusion, and residential internet access. 

    To view the full presentation, please visit http://www.sfcoit.org

  6. Project Update: Optical Network System (ONS) — Dept. of Technology (DT)

    In response to requests for more information related to ONS during his last Fix the Network project update, Mr. Eddie Eriksson provided an overview of the objectives and expected outcomes of building out ONS as part of the larger project. He also shared with the Subcommittee details of the timeline, budget, and deliverables. 

    To view the full presentation, please visit http://www.sfcoit.org.

  7. Public Comment

    There was no public comment.

  8. Adjournment

    The meeting adjourned at 11:44 am.

Sunshine Ordinance

San Francisco Administrative Code §67.9(a)   Agendas of meetings and any other documents on file with the clerk of the policy body, when intended for distribution to all, or a majority of all, of the members of a policy body in connection with a matter anticipated for discussion or consideration at a public meeting shall be made available to the public. To the extent possible, such documents shall also be made available through the policy body's Internet site. However, this disclosure need not include any material exempt from public disclosure under this ordinance.