Data management policy

This policy establishes a framework for the management of data as an asset across San Francisco.

Purpose and scope

Data is a key asset in meeting the demands of a 21st century government. Proper data management can add value to the work of the City, including:

  • Improvements in data consistency and quality
  • Faster, easier access to data
  • Better controls and security
  • Data sharing and interoperability between datasets
  • Integrated data across departments
  • Data analytics and more advanced data science

To deliver better outcomes, data must be proactively managed and maintained much like our capital and financial assets.
This policy applies to all information resources operated by the City and County of San Francisco and its departments, and commissions. Elected officials, employees, consultants, and vendors working on behalf of the City and County of San Francisco are required to comply with this policy.

Policy statement

This policy establishes a framework for the management of data as an asset across the City.  Departments must adopt this framework and the requirements below to support the ongoing, proactive management of data, which includes:

  1. The identification and classification of data in database and dataset inventories
  2. The processes and policies for appropriately sharing open and confidential data
  3. An approach to identify interdepartmental data and interdepartmental data standards and actively manage those data, databases, and standards

Together, these represent the requirements for managing data as an asset. Increasing Citywide understanding of our data assets and the purposes they serve will allow the City to proactively plan for and meet the needs of an ever-changing city.


Approved January 17, 2019


COIT Data Management Policy - download full policy document